I'm just bein honest, goes the chorus of Logan Chapman and Snoop's newest collab
A man who's tryin' to be honest. I want to f^()ck you. Is honesty like that good? Is it authentic, natural, true? Society says it's not: being part of society means hiding your inner emotions, sugar-coating the truth. People who wear the mask of honesty are often animals. People who tell you exactly what they think are venomous. But this song sends out a different vibe. It may not be your classic R&B, meaning it's not about love, but it's about love making, so it's close enough.
And it's got a sex-nsual verse from Snoop Dogg. He's mostly going on and on about going deep inside the girl. And sipping Coronas. There, I wrapped up his verse. Just kidding, man, go check it out on