
Music video: Lawson goes up the rooftop in their video When She Was Mine

Music video: Lawson goes up the rooftop in their video When She Was MineOn Wednesday, April 11th Lawson debuted the music video to support their latest single "When She Was Mine", which was released two weeks ago. The four-piece outfit can be watch performing in a white warehouse and later on the rooftops of Los Angeles building, while a stunning sunset shows behind them.

Front man Andy Brown shares intimate moments with the blonde female in the story and can be seen teaching her guitar, walking romantically through a market together and joining the rest of the group for a drink in the glorious California sunshine. "What I miss the most, is talking up all night/ We laughed until we cried/ Now I'm breaking at the seams/ Dropping to my knees, nothing left of me!/ Black stone turned into dust, my heart wasn't enough/ So far from where I used to be when she was mine!" he sings the lost love.

Video premiere: Lawson's "When She Was Mine"

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