Watch Lady Gaga's bad moments in 'Marry The Night' video premiere

Watch Lady Gaga's bad moments in 'Marry The Night' video premiereThe much awaited music video of Lady GaGa's single "Marry the Night" has made its premiere on E! online on Thursday afternoon, December 1st.

The clip directed by herself is 14 minutes long, and features the pop singer in what she calls autobiographical movie: "It was one of the worst days of my life and it happened quite quickly, but in my mind, when I think back on that period of my life, it all happened very slow."

The inspired entertainer is going through rejection, she trashes her house, she takes a crazy trip to the hospital, she takes a nude bath, she dyes her hair in blue and takes a violent attack on a box of Honey Nut Cheerios before she gives some explosives dance sessions choreographed by Richard Jackson. About her scene with throwing things while naked, Gaga admits that it happened for real in her life: "That's probably the most honest moment in that video of everything I've ever done. My directorial decision was for them to just f--king roll the cameras, because I couldn't go in and out of the moment."

Video premiere: Lady Gaga "Marry the Night"

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