Gaga Settles Lawsuit with Ex-PA

Gaga Settles Lawsuit with Ex-PALady Gaga managed to settle a lawsuit brought on her by a former assistant, who had claimed being cheated out of overtime pay.

Jennifer L. O’Neill, Gaga’s ex-employee, filed the suit in 2012, and accused Gaga of owing her almost $400,000 for 7,168 hours of unpaid overtime between 2009 and 201.

They were set to face off in trial next month, but the case was dropped this Monday after Gaga settled with her ex-employee for an undisclosed amount.

Although the “Applause” singer managed to eschew from solving the situation in court, she did not refrain herself from commenting upon the situation.

“She’s just-she thinks she’s just like the queen of the universe,” Gaga said in an August 2012 deposition. “And you know what, she didn’t want to be a slave to one, because in my work and what I do, I’m the queen of the universe every day.”

The singer also added that there was no concept of overtime work, because the job wasn't a nine-to-five one where there were set hours every day. According to Gaga’s statement, Jennifer was expected to be present only when she was needed.

“You don''t get a schedule,” Gaga said. “You don’t get a schedule that is like you punch in and you can your desk for four hours and then you punch out at the end of the day. This is when I need you, you’re available.”