
Ksysenka - Chaos lyrics

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There is plane

Crashed to World Trade Center

That's hardly tell the truth

Than lie

My niece still remembers

Their eyes

Tidal wave

Of sorrow

Killed thousand


I know why

Hired assassins

Did this offence

People blame destiny

But it's too late

No answer

Just suffer

Stop the mess

Panic won't help

Look at the bottom

Of edifice

Your spirit lifts up

Don't purse the lips

From sky ashes fly

Everything scares

Keep the silence

No terrors

You have no patience



Hurricane of callous

Chaos covered

Poor Twins Tower

Hurry up to the exit

I'm sure

You'll get out

Right now

It's very difficult

To mix with mob

Everyone was harassed

& rushed down


Feet grew numb

If you're unwell

No one will help

They're casted a spell

Show the protest

I know why you become

A rebel

But don't give up

And try to find the entrance

Wife sits

In front of TV

She is pregnant

Think about your baby

There are only puffs of smoke

The Whole world stopped

Without taking a breath

You are no able

To come downstairs

He doesn't know

Where to look

& windy suspiration

Makes thou crazy

Now I do not set my life

In a pin's fee

Destiny, where

Will you lead him?

Most Lazar-like

He wanna be forgiven

Hosts were sent

To heaven

He had no time

To cry

Even helicopters

Couldn't reach

The buildings

Caz Air was too hot

They defy augury

When woes come

It brings shamble

North Tower

Was already crashed

Dispelled fear

Made everyone faster

One man

Fell down

He started to pray

If I should die

Before I wake

God, let me see

The paradise


Bloody floor

People have the moulds

Scare rules

By crowd

Everyone suffers

From surrounding

They will

Turn over a new leaf

It's pitch-dark

Will rescuers

Find him

Under wreckages

Somebody gasps

With dust

Why it happened

That He'd delivered

Sentence of death?

Hope is inexorable

Justice never prevails

Killers roam

About the world

But good persons

Pine away to nothing

Thou can exterminate the evil

But something will bring new trouble

No possible to know all the ins and outs

Even stone-blind old man never bets on feeling

Run, run brave man

Savior keeps vigilant watch

We shall never know your dole

It bodes the salvation

Not all people callous

They may show the compassion

In their aspect

Mankind can find the condolence

No one will hear your dirge

'Caz this is your redemption


That's hardly tell the truth

Than lie

My niece still remember

Their eyes

Tidal wave

Of sorrow

Killed thousand


I know why

Hired assassins

Did this offence

People blame destiny

But it's too late

No answer

Just suffer

Stop the mess

Panic won't help

Look at the bottom

Of edifice

Your spirit lifts up

Don't purse the lips

From sky ashes fly

Everything scares

Keep the silence

No terrors

You have no patience


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