Keshia Chante

Keshia Chante's fresh video 'Test Drive'

Keshia Chante's fresh video 'Test Drive'Keshia Chante has a music video coming out to support her latest single "Test Drive". The ex-girlfriend of Canadian rapper Drake gets help from a guy when her car breaks down and then goes to a test drive with another man. One of the men in the clip is played by her real-life boyfriend, hockey player Ray Emery.

"Test Drive" is a song recorded for Keshia's upcoming studio album Night & Day. Her track talks about the importance of test-driving a new relationship to make sure you make a right decision. "That'd get us through the part when you first meet someone you like and all you can see is the glitter before you find out who they really are," she said in an interview with Sway magazine.

Watch below Keshia's new music video Test Drive : <embed src="" name="delve_player893295e" wmode="window" width="480" height="321" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="playerForm=9c205cb5928c4abe93405b7755389f2c&mediaId=edf2c7bfda1a483a9352aa95da3a4134&share=email%2Cembed%2Clink%2Csocial&adConfigurationChannelId=7c9b70df57c04fc6bc60a0057124b25d&autoplay=false">