Produced by Black Milk, promoted via Apollo Brown's mellomusicgroup, this artist definitely proves that you don't need to dream big in order to make it big. You need to THINK BIG! Not in capital letters, like I'm thinking now, but in capital problems, capital issues, capital ideas. You see how I'm exhausting all the semantic power of the word capital without even referring to money? Most of y'all only know that meaning! Well, Kenn Starr touches this issue too: you don't need monetary capital to reach the skies, all you need is spiritual capital, 'abluntant' spiritual capital. I'm using his stylistic intention: abundant + blunt. We all know a good smoke takes you in the adequate 'mind state'. There I go again, I can't stop using this guy's words.
I'mma leave you with the song, after I throw your way a couple of negative sides of the song, and of course, my favorite line. The gig seems too long. No offense, but three verses and three hooks that were already sung twice? Too much. Perfection is in conciseness! You won't see a square or a circle making a slight detour from their path. The word 'nigga' comes up. mellomusicgroup never promoted that word. Look it up, if you don't believe me! No artist ever said nigga, other from the situation when it was specifically evoked as coming from 'the other rappers' mouth'. This is a record label that promotes a uniqueness that's specifically divergent from all that regular rap cliches. Quoting from Kenn Starr: 'no pills', 'no lies'(that means no boasting with rental cars, no hired dames to fill in the city's urbanistics). These are traits that speak for mellomusicgroup as well as for Kenn Starr. Where he goes wrong is when he says 'nigga'. yU, Ras Kaas, they'd never say 'nigga'.
But lemme tell you what I did like about the song. Apart from the instrumental, that was nothing I've heard in 20 years, this line blew my mind:
Singing 'In an industry where you're only good as your last hit'. Think about that one for a minute. Those comments that regular 'industry' songs get on youtube: everything is fire fire fire. What is one thing that fire does? It burns for a little while. 'You're only good as your last hit'. People forget your song as soon as you produce another one. Nothing sticks, nothing is preferred, because all the industry wants is cliche songs that are being listened by cliche listeners. People that don't criticize, that don't believe, that don't negate, that don't oppose. They either like or leave. That attitude is exactly what causes this 'morlock' attitude. Remember H.G.Wells' novel 'The Time Machine'? People only lived in the present. They had no recollections of the past. I'm using this parabolic vision to show you that the music industry can very well take you there, by promoting shallow, easily forgotten songs. Think about it! Peace!
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