Kat DeLuna

New Song: Kat DeLuna - Party O'clock

New Song: Kat DeLuna - Party O'clockKat Deluna has re-hired Lady Gaga's producer RedOne for a brand new song titled Party O'Clock. The track is lifted from the 22-year-old's serially-delayed sophomore album Inside Out.

The track really isn't my cup of tea. Although it's really catchy, it's way too europoppy for my tastes and sounds like something you'd hear at a down marketed Ibiza rave. In fact, many of her latest leaks follow in the same direction so we kind of know where she is going with this new album. As with the case with Kelis and Kelly Rowland I might just have to pass up on it.

I absolutely loved her debut because it was a mash-up of Pop, Island-influences and R&B but overall, the songs were good. Sadly, the album totally underperformed, so in a way, I get why she's taking this path. However, Europeans LIVE for this type of music so I can see it doing really well over there.

Take a listen below:

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