Karina Pasian debuts her clip to support new single It's Whatever

Karina Pasian debuts her clip to support new single It's WhateverKarina Pasian recently premiered the High Five Collective-directed visuals for her single It's Whatever, produced by Needlz and co-written by Grammy winner Cassius D. Kalb which will probably make a cut on her next mixtape. "I wish I could wear basketball shorts at all my shows cause I just wanna be comfortable, wish I could eat cereal at least three times a day, wish I could wear the same shirt all the time like they do in the cartoons, cause I can never make up my mind anyway," Pasian leads on the piano-driven track.

With a brand new blonde look, Karina, 20 is seen performing her track in a dark warehouse while camera is following her everywhere in the building.

Karina Pasian "It's Whatever" music video

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Karina is currently recording music for her sophomore album, while EP Trips To Venus is available for download on iTunes.