Jesse Mccartney

Video premiere of Jesse McCartney 'Shake'

Video premiere of Jesse McCartney 'Shake'This is Jesse McCartney's Shake brand new music video that has been debuted in full via E! Online. It features the Hollywood Records artist having quite a good time with the ladies, shaking his body to the danceable beat and grinding on them.

Shake is the lead single from Jesse McCartney's upcoming fourth studio album Have It All which is due December 28 in the United States. It's a kind of ... urban, kitschy track with a lot of synths and pop melodies on top, and it makes for good ear candy, he said.

Watch the fresh video here : <embed width="480px" height="311px" flashvars="ID=CEGInBlogPlayer&releasePID=ihit9lV_fu6971hi7wv44YgdxEfZtlcT&playerId=Embed&skinUrl=" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" salign="tl" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="CEGInBlogPlayer" id="CEGInBlogPlayer" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>