Jay Sean parties on a yacht with hot ladies in his new clip I'm All Yours

Jay Sean parties on a yacht with hot ladies in his new clip I'm All YoursBritish R&B singer Jay Sean has premiered the music clip in support of his first single I'm All Yours off his fourth album Worth It All. The Gil Green-directed clip opens up with Jay driving a sportcar on the highway and telephones the Latino rapper and invites him to party in Miami.

Then, it follows the Brit enjoying his time on this side of the Atlantic as he parties all night long in even fancier yacht. The Cash Money Millionaire eyes a hottie on the beach and before she knows it, they're partying on the YMCMB yacht with Birdman and making out on a speed boat. Pitbull only drops in briefly, through the magic of an extraordinarily tacky green screen. But we would've loved to see him in Miami too!

Sean previously told Rap-Up about his clip "It's gonna be a smash and I'm saying it right now because the video is insane". As far as the single, which was produced by Orange Factory Music, Sean told MTV News: "Well, you know, people who know my music, especially when I first came over to America, one of the first things that people noticed with my songs is I like to do feel-good songs. And when it comes to the singles, that's what I like to give them. And 'I'm All Yours' is really the epitome of all that".

Jay Sean feat Pitbull "I'm All Yours" music video:

<iframe width="460" height="258" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Tog4FpNCjQ0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jay Sean's fourth album Worth It All will be released this fall.