Jamey Johnson

Jamey Johnson's country song 'Playing the Part'

Jamey Johnson's country song 'Playing the Part'A music video for Jamey Johnson's "Playing the Part" has been released today. Directed by Matthew McConaughey, it follows a man dressed in a gorilla suit walking around the streets of Los Angeles after he gets fired from his job as a sign holder. He finally ends up in a bar where Johnson plays with his band.

"Jamey and this song both have a great sense of humor, so I wanted the video to have a 'wink' to it," McConaughey told Entertainment Tonight. "For any video, if you like the song, you should like it even more after you see the video. I wanted this video to support the lyrics, and elevate the song."

He then explained, "I had a few initial ideas, but after Jamey and I talked about why he wrote it and where the song came from, it was clear that I needed a man in a monkey suit." The one who dresses up as the monkey actually is McConaughey himself.

Here you can watch Jamey Johnson's 'Playing the Part' music video: <object id="flashobject" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" allowNetworking="all" height="272" width="431" data="http://www.etonline.com/media/flash/unicorn/overlay_updated/UMInterface.swf">