Roches - The Largest Elizabeth In The World lyrics
rate me(by Terre Roche)<br />
<br />
<br />
Didn't you ever feel like the largest Elizabeth in the World?<br />
Usually at a time when the boy is oblivious to the girl<br />
Ireadinthepapertheotherdaythishasbeenhappeningtoeverbodymoreandmore<br />
Thescientistsareonthecasebuttheystilhaven'tfiguredoutwhatitisthatitis<br />
happening for<br />
<br />
Slow down, slow down, slow down<br />
<br />
Wouldn't you like to feel like yourself after suffering so many years?<br />
If you were asked to the party by somebody else you wouldn't be sitting home<br />
in tears<br />
Ormaybeyou'reoneofthoseinterestingpeoplewhodon'tgooutbuttheygettheirbest<br />
work done<br />
Bykeepingthemselvesinthehouseoffthestreetandawayfromthescenewhenit'stimeforthe<br />
resttohave fun<br />
<br />
Slow down, slow down, slow down<br />
Come on, slow down, slow down<br />
<br />
They say the world's over<br />
Goodbye see you next time<br />
You don't have to go<br />
<br />
Whatiftheaftereffectoftheterriblebombisunusualbeyondbelief?<br />
Wouldn'tyouratherthewholepopulationhadlistenedtosomebodyliketheoldIndian<br />
Chief?<br />
Turnitaroundandgobacktothat'simpletruckstoponthewaytotheunfortunate world<br />
YoumightbethelargestElizabethbutElizabethisstillagoodnametohaveifyou'rea<br />
girl<br />
<br />
Slow down, come on, slow down<br />
Slow down, slow down, slow down<br />
Slow down, slow down, slow down