Parade movie

Parade movie - Real Big News lyrics

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Big news! My saviour has arrived!<br>

My intuition's never been so strong!<br>

Big News! My career has been revived<br>

All I needed was a snippy, pissy Yankee all along!<br>

Take this superstitious city, add one little Jew from Brooklyn<br>

Plus a college education and a mousy little wife,<br>

And big news! Real big news!<br>

That poor sucker saved my life!<br>


So give him fangs, give him horns,<br>

Give him scaly, hairy palms!<br>

Have him droolin' out the corner of his mouth!<br>

He's a master of disguise!<br>

Check those bug-out creepy eyes!<br>

Sure, that fella's here to rape the whole damned South!<br>

They'll be bangin' down my door,<br>

Yellin' "More, Craig, more!"<br>

"Call for justice! We need justice!<br>

Beat the bastard! Kill the bum!"<br>

Big news! Real big news!<br>

My saviour has finally come!<br>


According to reports obtained exclusively by this reporter,<br>

Prosecutor Dorsey has the villain in his sights.<br>

A highly ranking unnamed source in this investigation tells me<br>

Leo Frank's the only likely culprit in this case.<br>

Anyone with any information on the suspect, Leo Frank,<br>

Should contact this reporter care of the Atlanta Georgian.<br>



I saw this little kid---<br>

Said, "Look what Leo did!"<br>

And then she run and hid:<br>



Go on, go on, go on, go on now!<br>



He sat down next to me---<br>

His hand went on my knee---<br>

I had to shake it free!<br>



Go on, go on, go on, go on now!<br>



I say it isn't fair!|I saw his books, I swear<br>

That man's a millionaire!<br>



He likes 'em young and small!<br>

Got nekkid pictures all<br>

Pinned to his office wall!<br>



Go on, go on, go on, go on now!<br>

(Oo, oo, oo)<br>


A MAN<br>

He has a kid, you know<br>

Knocked up some student so<br>

He paid to make her go|I know it, yes, I seen it, yes!<br>


A MAN<br>

My brother says he knows<br>

Wherever Leo goes|<br>

He carries Mary's clothes!<br>

I know it, yes, I seen it, yes!<br>



I've watched him for a while<br>

Behind that creepy smile<br>

The classic pedophile!<br>

I know it, yes, I seen it, yes!<br>



I know it, yes, I seen it, yes!<br>

I know it, yes, I seen it, yes!<br>



|Go on, go on, go on, go on now!<br>

|Go on, go on, go on, go on now!<br>



Look! You just scribble it down and it covers the town like molasses or mud!<br>

Look! For us drunken ol' bums, opportunity comes in a magical flood!<br>

Look! You might never be sure if your motives are pure, but your profits are clear!<br>

Look! You were down and depressed, now you're ridin' the crest of the scoop of the year!<br>



Jim Conley. I got a piece of paper here says you spent a little time on the chain gang.<br>



That right?<br>



Twice, according to this. <br>

And the second time it says here you were out with the road gang <br>

and you just up and disappeared.<br>



Well, you know, my time was about up.<br>



Really? I think you had a few more months to serve. <br>

You know what that makes you, don't you?<br>






I was going to say an escaped convict. Now, what should we do about that?<br>



What was that you was askin' me about Mr Frank?<br>



Accordin' to reports obtained ex<br>

Clusively by this reporter,<br>

My Leo Frank has been in<br>

Dicted on the charge of murder!<br>

Prosecutor Dorsey states the<br>

Trial will begin in the<br>

Atlanta County Courthouse<br>

Only one month from today!<br>

Mrs Frank, the Suspect's wife,<br>

Has still not spoken to reporters!<br>

What's the word from Mrs Frank?<br>

What's the word from Mrs Frank?<br>

Mrs Frank! Mrs Frank!<br>



Extra! Extra! Leo Frank indicted!<br>

Trial set for a month from now!<br>

Prosecutor Dorsey will|<br>

Try the case himself, he says!<br>

Luther Rosser will represent<br>

Mr Frank in the fight of his life!<br>

Dorsey promises surprise witnesses<br>

And a quick finish!<br>

Mrs Frank, the Suspect's wife,<br>

Has still not spoken to reporters!<br>

What's the word from Mrs Frank?<br>

What's the word from Mrs Frank?<br>

Mrs Frank! Mrs Frank!<br>



Let me alone! Please! Let me alone!<br>



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