Five Extremely Popular Songs That Aren't What They Appear

Well-Known Songs That Aren't What They Appear

Hiding meaning in the lyrics of songs is by no means a new concept, but it's also a concept that not every artist does particularly well. Sometimes the hidden meaning is immediately obvious, but there are some songs that hide their true meaning so well that we often have no idea there's a hidden meaning until the artists themselves reveal it.

With that in mind, these are some of the world's most famous songs that contained hidden meanings and messages that many didn't realise were there, many of which influenced modern music as we know it today, from film scores to background music of mobile casino Canada games, to commercial ads.

1. Martha My Dear - The Beatles

Martha My Dear was first featured on The White Album that was released in 1968. For many, the song seemingly centred on a woman named Martha that John Lennon had a personal connection with. It was revealed later, however, that Martha was actually a beloved sheepdog of Lennon's that died when she was 16 in 1981. There are only a few subtle hints to this, such as "hold your head up you silly girl, look what you've done."

2. Born in The USA - Bruce Springsteen

Arguably Springsteen's biggest hit, Born in The USA was first released in 1984 on the album of the same name, and it was an immediate hit among the American people, of which many felt that the song was patriotic, due both to the lyrics themselves and because of the album's cover art. The song was even used by such politicians as Ronald Regan. Springsteen later revealed that his song was actually harboured an anti-USA message, specifically aimed at the treatment of Vietnam War veterans.

3. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

Smells Like Teen Spirit, released in 1991, is a song that changed the world of modern music forever, with many considering it to be among the best rock songs of all time. The lyrics are famously hard to understand, but it was widely believed that it was a song about a revolutionary movement, a belief that Cobain held himself. Kathleen Hanna, who wrote the lyrics, later revealed that it was in fact about a brand of deodorant called Teen Spirit that was used by Tobi Vail, Cobain's girlfriend at the time.

4. James Blunt - You're Beautiful

You're Beautiful hit the charts in 2005, and it was an instant hit that many consider one of the most recognisable love songs of the mid-2000''s. Blunt himself stated in an interview that many people told him that they wanted the song as their wedding song because they found it so romantic. The song, however, is actually about a man who is on drugs who is stalking a girl on a subway train.

5. Spice Up Your Life - The Spice Girls

The Spice Girls were a pop culture phenomenon during the late 1990's and early 2000's, with their song Spice Up Your Life being among their most popular. It's a fun and upbeat song, until it was later reveal that the lyrics are centred on methamphetamine. More specifically, they are about how to make a batch of meth, and was even featured in an episode of TV series Breaking Bad.