
Logic Drops “Alright”

Logic Drops “Alright”Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, known by his stage name Logic, is on the verge of releasing his upcoming EP, While You Wait. In the meantime, the American rapper has been busy offering his fans the first glimpses of how his forthcoming project sounds like. His latest release is “Alright,” a track made in collaboration with Def Jam artist Big Sean, and produced by Tae Beast.

Check out the track on our website, and listen to Logic singing, “she doing tricks with her pussy, I guess she's a vagician.”

Logic’s fans will also be able to see the wordsmith perform his magic live, in a series of concerts, for the rapper will be embarking on the While You Wait tour next month with Visionary Music Group members Castro and QuESt. Stay tuned for Logic’s upcoming EP!

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