K-OS Leaks “WiLD4TheNight (EgoLand)”

K-OS Leaks “WiLD4TheNight (EgoLand)”K-OS is back!

If you haven’t heard of K-OS yet, let us tell you that there was a time when this artist was as famous as Drake is today. Before the emergence of Drake, the artist, whose real name is Kevin Brereton, was considered Canada’s most talented rapper. Nevertheless, he has been “dethroned” by his fellow countryman, and now K-OS is keen to prove that he has something left to say in the hip-hop industry.

On the verge of launching his sixth studio album, “Can’t Fly Without Gravity,” K-OS has offered his fans the project’s first teaser track. “WiLD4TheNight (EgoLand)” is the title of the leak, and you can check it on our website!

Stay tuned for more tracks from K-OS are about to be released!

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