Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber revealed hottest teaser for upcoming clip Boyfriend

Justin Bieber revealed hottest teaser for upcoming clip BoyfriendJustin Bieber frenzy is just rising now he turned 18! And what he delivered through his latest teaser of the Boyfriend clip will satisfy his Beliebers for sure. The hot clip features the Canadian singer whispering his "swag" rhymes under a dim-lit while several manicured female hands appear around him, hugging him and giving him loving caress, or just desperately wanting to grab him.

Justin recently talked to MTV on the video set in California, and explained more about the concept of his video: "The concept of this video, I mean it's not like a steady concept. It's not like 'Justin follows this girl to this spot.' No, it's a bunch of amazing scenes: Like a fire scene, we have an ice scene."

He also revealed that there will be included a scene which shows off Bieber's dancing skills in the Colin Tilley-directed clip. <I>"It's kind of like bouncing back and forth," he gushed. "And then there's scenes of me and just a bunch of girl dancers, and just some great shots, great artistic shots, great shots of me smiling. It's fun."

Enjoy Bieber's teaser below:

<iframe width="460" height="264" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mvD3DhzTrF4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Released on March 26th as the lead single from his new album <I>Believe, "Boyfriend" received a positive response, and Bieber is bound to debut high on Billboard Hot 100 with the single. Its accompanying music video is promised to come out sometime soon.

Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" Full song

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