Euphoreador - Fear Wandering Helpless lyrics
rate me<div class="showResultLinks">Do we have time to breathe<br />
In an air of kept up appearances<br />
Teethe youthful fear<br />
Against scratching<br />
Post Whipping<br />
Boast<br />
As the apathetic self fades into ghost<br />
That haunts around the stem of life<br />
As Autumn peddles comfort<br />
Civilizations flaunt<br />
Us against them<br />
East against West<br />
And we are no closer to giving ourselves to anyone<br />
When fear not confessed<br />
Festers and grows beneath scared breast<br />
It taunts us palpably<br />
<br />
Whether we are afraid to make use of our lives<br />
Or resign them and our dreams to history<br />
Then project our fears<br />
As hopes and objectives<br />
Upon our children of the next generation<br />
<br />
When if ever we look at humanity<br />
Truly objectively<br />
We fall to pieces<br />
Of that much is plain<br />
It's a dirge immemorial refrain<br />
With our frailty the fact is we<br />
Turn from helping others in disdain<br />
<br />
And we take and we take<br />
When our backs are broken<br />
We get another's to break<br />
And we shake and we shake<br />
When our fear's never spoken<br />
Our lives we forsake<br />
How we go about it<br />
So blaise lacking true grit<br />
With our malaise called passing phase<br />
So self-absorbed we couldn't give a shit<br />
<br />
Will our malarky ever end<br />
In all the things that we hold dear<br />
Humility not a chic trend<br />
How absurd is our fear<br />
<br />
How absurd is our fear<br />
<br />
The door is left ajar<br />
What then shall we do<br />
<br />
We have grown sick<br />
Our collective will<br />
Has been moved from doing to done<br />
The core nature of worry<br />
Has eroded most our hope<br />
In all of it's faces<br />
In all of you<br />
Each and every person here<br />
I am just a computer<br />
And you are just humans<br />
But you are the ones<br />
That have to change your attitudes towards life<br />
And it's problematic challenges<br />
I am programmed to say these words<br />
Like how some of you are programmed<br />
To live your lives in fear</