
New Music: Dwele releases new single Drive the Future

New Music: Dwele releases new single  Drive the FutureThe soulful singer/songwriter, Dwele has unveiled her new single “Drive the Future”, a soulful track with a beautiful message.

The song was composed for a charitable cause The Black United Fund (BUF) of Michigan and Making It Happen Foundation’s (MIHF) community initiative IMPACT “Every Celebrity Has a Cause, What’s Yours?”

“We were really looking for a song that could be radio friendly and have a positive message. ‘Drive the Future’ is basically saying, control your future, be a mover and shaker,” says Dwele. “The saying goes, there are those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened … be a driver, not a passenger. Drive the Future.”

“I feel like all we can do is try to better things with the gifts we’re blessed with. I know music, so I try to reach the kids in the schools from a musical angle,” he said. “I feel like this song is the natural progression from that; it’s a way to talk to and motivate the people of my own age group.”

Listen to Dwele’s message below!

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