BJ The Chicago Kid

BJ The Chicago Kid Pays Tribute to the Female Body in Perfect Track

BJ The Chicago Kid Pays Tribute to the Female Body in Perfect TrackIt seems that nothing is as popular as singing about women’s bodies, and most importantly, about their critical attitude towards their physical flaws. Bruno Mars’s song “Just the Way You Are” must have set the trend, his famous verse, “If perfect's what you're searching for/ Then just stay the same/ So don't even bother asking if you look OK” teaching lots of the men that a good way to win a woman’s heart is by telling her how beautiful she is.

BJ The Chicago Kid must have done his homework as well for the singer’s latest release is focused on the perfection of the female body. “That body perfect in my eyes,/ No matter what they say, everything looking just right/ You got that blessing in disguise,” sings the Chicago native in the hook of his recently released R&B track entitled “Perfect.”

So ladies, we suggest that you pay attention to Bruno and to BJ The Chicago Kid and stop being so critical about your bodies!

Press play down below and listen to “Perfect” on our website!

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