Home Alone

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Never was good at anything

Never would even try to sing

Put a patch on my brand new jeans

Not sure what it really means

Wanna feel like I just fit in

Tired of starting all over again

Don't have me any many real true friends

I don't fit in with all these trends

Got real good at being alone

What you take is what you own

Home Alone

I don't know maybe it's cause I dig like classical music

Bach Beethoven Pachelbel's Cannon in D Major

Go Cart Mozart was checking out the weather chart to see if it was safe outside

I just hope that Bruce doesn't like sue me for you know using his line

Then again maybe it's a good thing... NOT

Have me any many real true friends

I don't fit in with all these trends

Got real good at being alone

What you take is what you own

Home Alone Home Alone

Is this a dream or am I here?

There are no voices only tears just tears

Just like a flower I need to grow

I feel the Earth beneath my feet

I feel the beat

Home Alone Alone

Don't wanna be Home Alone

Home Alone Alone

Don't wanna be Home Alone

Don't have me any many real true friends

I don't fit in with all these trends

Got real good at being alone

What you take is what you own

Home Alone Home Alone

Home Alone Home Alone

Never was good at anything

Never would even try to sing

Home Alone Home Alone Home Alone Home Alone
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Get 'Home Alone' at: amazon.com  sheetmusicplus.com

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Virgil Cane

Friday 8th of October 2010 07:26
Great Tune! Very clever reference to Bruce Springsteen's Blinded By The Light! Smart writing...