Fredrika Stahl - Destiny lyrics
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Do you rely on Destiny? As a god planning in advance? Or do you believe in your own power? And hope for a bit of chance? Do you think some people are born to succeed? Others cursed to fail Would you rather believe That you are the writer of your tale? [chorus] Are we hitchhikers on an endless road? Choosing where to stop, and which paths to go In that case, I want you to grab my hand(?) We will no longer have to walk; I promise we will flow Do you think confrontations pop up A test for you to pass? Or do you see them as things to avoid? And stick to the green grass? Do you think you beauty is a reflection from within Or are there just some lucky bastards that can eat and still be thin? [chorus] Do you think some folks are meant for each other? There's a single true match Are you just someone that passed my way That I was lucky enough to catch [chorus] We will flow</div>
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