Fat Trel

Mother's Day ignited some long lost fumes with some singers: Zuse and Fat Trel

Mother's Day ignited some long lost fumes with some singers: Zuse and Fat TrelMother's Day came with a slight ironic slap for me. Thus the ironic remark on my behalf: to ignite fumes. I didn't mean that Fat Trel and Zuse aren't eligible scouts when it comes to starting that small fire in the depths of one's heart. No! I'm sure they can arrange a good campfire, if needed, maybe gather round a bunch of fans and sing gumbaya around it and get everyone uplifted about the love they have for their own mothers, sure, but something else bothers me.

The authenticity of their feeling. Everybody loves their mom, agreed, but some love out of inertia(physics!). You heard it! It's an ascertained fact that people need to feel gratitude towards their mom for giving birth to them, even though sometimes they don't. It's a godgiven fact that people need to love their mothers because they raised them, even though sometimes they don't. What I wanna say is that there is one particular moment when you say you love your mom but I, among others, know it for a fact that you're loving out of pure inertia, and that moment is when you show how low women(and people, in general) are in your inner hierarchy. You cannot call ladies bitches in your songs, sing about slipping them a molly or two, about not wiffing them and how you told them to hit the road just as they fell off your big belly on that side of the bed where the magazines advertised the mattress would feel comfier, and then tell me you love your mother. Guys, the love for women in particular, and for other human beings in general, exists only if your mom taught loved you in your childhood. Look up Freud and Adler if I'm lying! Swear to God!

Take Zuse for example: there are too few songs in which he doesn't wield some sort of AK looking machine gun, or submachine gun, babbling about how he'd snap a nigga if the thought crossed his mind. Now if you love your mother and you know how many years she breastfed you, how many years she ate half her food just to feed you, how many years she wasted telling you stories, singing you to sleep, working just to get your sorry ass through kindergarten, school, college, and so on, you wouldn't talk so easily about killing someone. Sure, it's music! Nah-ah! Let's all listen to Satanic rituals and people gutten on the mic, and say it's just music. Then we can all hold hands and go put a good word for each other in the holy chapel of God, why won't we? People get upset at video games when someone just pops out of the corner and blows your head off, after playing for two hours straight. Picture life a video game and imagine someone blowing away your "online experience" after, 20, 30 years of straight 17-18 hours of daily gaming, and see how that feels.

The fact of the matter is, we cannot say a song is good just because it sounds good. It's gotta come from the heart. It's gotta be authentic. If a band makes a good song about depression and manages to kick someone's life juice back into him, but does it out of sheer concupiscence, in other words, for za money, then I ain't listening to that band. Rich people rapping about how tough they had it when they were young? Yeah, man, what, was the goat milk you bathed in too cold? C'mon! You get my drift! Probably the only good mom song I've heard this year, that I personally vouch for, that comes from the heart, is LunchMoney Lewis' "Mama". That song made me cry, because I really felt the guy loves his mom. Word!

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