
A witty brain rammer from Dubb: Come & Go

A witty brain rammer from Dubb: Come & GoDUBB realized something that most rappers haven’t. Life is like a video game: the ending makes the game end and renders the adventure of the game useless. So what do you have to do? Ride it out looking at the means of the game, without striving to get to the ending. ’Fuck these chains, rings, cars and clothes / This shit don't mean shit where your spirit goes’. That’s a bit of a contradiction, isn’t it?

Well, he clearly elucidates it at the end. A lot of street proverbs and ghetto knowledge make a clear contouring of his philosophy: indeed, riches stop where your epitaph stars, but that doesn’t render them completely useless. Do so that the memory of your own remains a good one, make sure you make your fam proud of you, even if they’re long gone. ’If I was to go tonight I'm gon' be remembered for what I did today’. True that! The money is a need to, but not for itself, but as a symbol of your well-being. People need to remember you as a hustler, not as a no-one who fails at the game.

He uses some hard words, like legacy, life, death, there are a lot of dichotomies, like life – death, temporary – permanent, leading up to the name of the song that comes out as a dichotomy alike those remembered: come and go.

To nail it all down, it’s a smart song, that comes like a punch in the face, or an ice-bucket, if you may. Produced by Resource, with a definite connection to infamous rapper The Game. We’re probably be hearing a lot more from DUBB on Game’s Year Of The Wolf, that’s gonna be live on October the 14th. Be sure to check out his other songs, like ’Bodega & Liquor Stores’ or ’Transition’. Until then, here we go, ’Come & Go’:

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