
Directions - Silver Screen Sweethearts lyrics

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She's always saying the right things

She gets my heart racing

She's singing all the right lines and she's driving me crazy

I've never needed much, but I will never get enough of you

I know you want me, I know you love me too.

My foxy movie girl

You've got me wrapped around your fingertips

We're more than this I know (You're so relentlessly)

Caught up inside my world

You've got me begging on my knees

My foxy movie girl

I'm always loving her mood swings

You haven't got a clue what you're facing

I'm dying just to touch her and it's driving me crazy

I've never needed much, but I will never get enough of you

I know you want me, I know you love me too.

My foxy movie girl

You've got me wrapped around your fingertips,

We're more than this I know,(You're so relentlessly)

Caught up inside my world,

You've got me begging on my knees,

My foxy movie girl

Please say you love me (I'll try to make it worth it)

Please say you need me to be there for you (Lets take this slow, don't force this)

This isn't over (No, not by a long shot)

We'll be together forever

My foxy movie girl</div>

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