Cyhi The Prynce

CyHi The Prynce wraps up the long chain of Ferguson reprisals: Weak People!

CyHi The Prynce wraps up the long chain of Ferguson reprisals: Weak People!It brought tears to my eyes to see a man rapping with such eloquence about ideas that maybe I couldn't fully unravel, themes that maybe I couldn't fully comprehend, a man that's surely stating facts that we were all too afraid to utter.

CyHi's always been a bit different, hasn't he? His depth of thought exceeds most thinkers that are carefully positioned behind rap artists. He does his own verses, speaks his own mind, in a most unique way. It's like a glass panel drops on someone's head, that's how hard his perception of reality hits you. Black people aren't strong, like they want to seem in their videos, he goes. Black people aren't just citizens that never violate the state institution. It's the other way around!

With a couple of verses he demolishes the Ferguson shooting taboo:

"My partner shot a a hunnid niggas and it was neva proven We just labeled him a gangster and kept it movin' Let me give you the same outcome, separate shootin' A white man kill a black we holla persecution"

Then he goes and stabs the black community's main issues right in the heart:

'Instead of looting it's time to find some better schooling' 'Instead of all these rappers we need some better students' 'It’s time to rebuild the neighborhoods that we help to ruin'

There are two sermon bits in the song that corroborate Cydel Young's ideals: men need to realize they are too weak to take responsibility for the mothers they leave raising THEIR children alone; men need to realize they're too weak to go legal => crime is simple, everybody can steal, rob, bludgeon and burn buildings down; it's creation that's the hardest bit of life, not destruction. Lemme continue that thought with my own idea: making a baby is reproduction. Nothing above the animal species. It's like breeding a dog. If you leave it by itself, it will become nothing more than a dog. Educating a baby and nurturing it in its years of fragile existence is Creation. You reproduce with the body, you Create with the spirit. The problem with many African-American couples is they never collide into a family, so they can properly "Create" a child. They only produce it. Hence CyHi's verse 'the same'. "You all are the same!", I can hear him screaming. That's because education and spirit is what defines us as human beings. Thought, fruitful experience. Not shooting, not the destructive revolution. Nobody needs that. What we all need, and Cydel is giving it to us abundantly, is a wake-up call! Let's leave that 'no judgement', 'no criticism' attitude for the psychiatrist. We're normal people that need a shift of thought. Here it is:

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