Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood is a Different Woman

Carrie Underwood is a Different WomanThe American country music singer, songwriter, and actress, Carrie Underwood, is amazed by how much she has changed since stardom.

The artist became famous worldwide after winning fourth season of American Idol in 2005, thus turning her childhood dream into a real occupation.

“I always wanted to sing, if you had asked me as like a five year old what are you gonna be when you grow up I would've been like ah, 'I'm gonna be a singer',” she revealed to Access Hollywood.

“I lost my dream I guess as I got older I and then everything just sort of clicked into place and I was like, 'Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm actually doing this.’” Although Carrie experienced times when she lacked money, she is now the owner of a $45 million fortune.

“I think I have a wow moment every day. I remember in college being like, 'OK ramen noodles again, alright. OK I gotta pay my rent I gotta pay this bill, I gotta do this,' trying to figure out how much I needed,” she gushed. “I gotta ask for more hours at work trying to figure out how I was gonna make it. Now I get to buy the good stuff at the grocery store. I get to buy the fresh fruit and vegetables, it's awesome.”

In March Carrie turned 30. According to her statements, this milestone age has her seeing things from a more mature perspective.

“I feel old when I'm surrounded by younger people, I go to the movies and I'm like, 'Teenagers, blah!' and then I'm like oh my gosh I'm that person!” Carrie laughed.