
Carman - God, God, God lyrics

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DISCLAIMER: The following testimony is given regarding the religious systems of this wicked world, not individuals. Recorded for revelation, not condemnation, in hopes there would be those who would "see" and "hear", for all who do so will "come out from among them(this world and it's systems of religion) and be separate". They will "Come out of her" indeed and Truth!

"The Way of Truth is evil spoken of" because of pagan "catholicism" and her harlot pagan "christian" daughters ;-( Their "imag"ined "jesus christ" is not The Messiah! It was some five hundred years ago that they named one head of their three-headed pagan "god", "jesus", during a time that has been called the "reformation". Prior to that time there was no "j" sound in the english language.......period.......

Yet the "reformation" was an aptly named time! For it was a time when "catholicism" birthed her harlot "christian" daughters ;-( Her "christian" daughters are of her substance ;-( Her substance was merely "reformed" so that her "christian" daughters might appear a bit differently outwardly, yet inwardly they remained liken unto their pagan harlot mother ;-(

"christianity" is but the byproduct of the fornicative relationship pagan "catholicism" has always had with "the god of this world", he who is "the father of lies", he who is "the angel of light", 'd'evil spirit that rules over this wicked world ;-(

All religious systems, muslin, jewish, buddhist, catholic, christian ,,etc,, are Anti-Messiah!

Religious systems of this world, all alike they are,

Their captives have fought, killed and died, both near and far ;-(

And then once a week, or multiple times a day they may pray,

Yet as hypocrites they begin each new day ;-(

Days that are filled with deceit and lies,

For in a "religious system" Truth can not abide ;-(

And so the fruit of death is born of religion's way,

Because life is but a pawn in the wicked game they play ;-(

Faith will not create a religious system!

The Messiah testified of a "wicked world", and of His disciples being "in, not of, this world".

John exhorted those who believed "to love not the world or it's things" for "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one"!

And James testified, "whoever is a friend of this world is the enemy of GOD(Father, Great Spirit, Creator,,)"!

Those of this wicked world and it's religious systems are destroying and perverting Creation and The Creator, Our Father, has promised that HE "will destroy those who are destroying HIS Creation(earth, air, water, creatures, Truth, Love, Peace, .etc.)"!

May there be those who take heed unto The Call of The Only True GOD and "Come out of her, MY people"!

All who heed GOD's Call will exit "the broadway to destruction" and they will follow The Messiah on "The Way to The Truth of The Life"! They no longer will have their portion with the pagan "catholic" and "christian" LIES, or with any other religious system of this world.

The Messiah testified, "whoever lives and believes in Me(His Teachings and Life example) shall never die." And then The Messiah questioned, "Do you believe this?" YES!

And you? Do you believe? Or do you believe in death?

While there is breath(spirit) there is hope!

For Miracles Do Happen! Thankfully so!

Hope is that there would be those who "come out" of the "strong delusion" that is the religious systems of this wicked world. Hope is that there would be those who believe in and receive of The Life. Hope is that there would be those who would "experience The Messiah and The Power that raised Him from among the dead".

Hope is you will, or have experienced The Miracle that is "receiving a love of The Truth".

All who have "received a love of The Truth" will have:

Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(religion) that is of this wicked world, for "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one" indeed and Truth! (1 John 5:19) ....... francisco

Thanks to derowr for these lyrics

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