Becky G

Will Becky G's debut LP feature more rap songs similar to Dodger Blue?

Will Becky G's debut LP feature more rap songs similar to Dodger Blue?I don't wanna say this up straight... buuuut I sure hope it won't. Her pop voice is great, I love her songs, but rapping? She sounds like Nicki Minaj with a lot of car references. And the last thing music needs is for modern rap (which, like a distant star, has died years ago, but people still somehow see it) to have more cars, boasting, family tree rap ("I am a Gomez, but no I don't know Selena", "2 brothers and I got 1 sister"), beat stuttering ("Dod-Dod Dodger Blue"), delusional impressions of grandeur ("LA's on my back", or whatever "I put the city on the map" verse that people are rapping about; If you'd sell that Azerbaijan map and bought a world map, you could see USA, with all it's states, pretty clearly), unequal funny sounding verses. Oh, and that "Batman and Bane fight" sound that goes like BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRR. Come on! "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated" but... nah, forget it, we're anything but initiated. Democracy made it as though you can be a toddler and listen to Mozart. The first time that toddler uses his index finger, he can go ahead and press an "f" on the middle row, an "i" on the first row, and then "r" and "e" on the same row, and POOF! He's an art critic. He knows his stuff!

I'm really bugged that songs like these make million of views. Once every month I check out a random artist and go like "oh, this song has 20.000.000 views, it's gotta be really good", listen to it, and then immediately try to find that ear wax removal kit. Again, really bugged :)

Listening to this song once is an option. You need to hear it and see for yourself if the song's good or nah. But sometimes you gotta swim away from the tide (of manic marauding 13 year olds that can't swim) and just float in some calmer waters, like your swimming instructor taught you.

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