rate me

Destiny turned the page to another side in my book of life:

"He who once was artless like a child had

to face the blackest night!"

While I was unaware, _She_ must have

silently faded away:

"Whereas his shadow walks The Earh in

restless search for _The_Queen!"

As the cold begins to bite, in _Nightmare's_

_realm_ I lie awake:

"Fading voices calling back the years into

time's deadly embrace!"

Behind these delusive hills where gales

ensnare a paralyzed sun:

"In sombre distress he's entering the hall

just to find _Her_Orphaned_Throne!"

Broken and desperate before _Her_


Holding a dying sparraw in his hands

His eyes full of tears had seen the wasted land

Will _She_ ever come again?

Ever come again?

Suam sanclam ad sedern liceat me vobis sequi

Si sanum me facere volueritis

Suam sancta ad sedem, ad marin

Si enim hoc loco versatus sim, periturus est

Suam sanctam ad sedem liceat me vobis sequi

Num hoc solo loco me _Dea_ expectat

Passion turned out to be a slip of the pen

amongst the lines of fate:

"All that was left in the end: Forgotten

echoes in a dream!"

For only a fool's solemnity might ignite

the driftwood of my heart:

"Still _My_Life_ shines on every move you make:

Just call _My_Name_ and I'll be there!"

So cranky and blind I did not see, rashness

made me lose my own way:

"Fragments of glass cutting through his veins:

I shall save him from this pain!"

Destiny turned the page to the final

chapter in my book of life:

"Awake see him lie in _Marah's_warm_embrace_

- I'm returning on _My_Throne_!"

Broken and desperate...

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