A Great Big World

A Great Big World - Hold Each Other: meant to be a song about a man holding another man

A Great Big World - Hold Each Other: meant to be a song about a man holding another manIt's ok, it's legal now, but Chad King doesn't think the pop world is ready for a major epistema change that would involve the shift from "I love her" to "I love him", for example.

George Michael didn't do it, Boy George didn't do it, or at least, they didn't do it obviously, through words. People needed to be able to sing the song, no matter the sexual orientation. I believe that's why Chad King decided only to stir up with a discussion about vaginas on the radio, alongside Leigh Ann Adam. He also talked about changing that "Something happens when I hold her" into the "him" version, but never did it. He would gain much more audience by simply admitting that he was gay, rather than imposing lyrics that could only be sung, no matter your ideological allegiance, by one party alone. Let's be honest here, I can be the world's advocate for homosexuality rights and free speech, I'm not going to sing "Something happens when I hold him" at a party. I mean, Jack White didn't gain much popularity when singing 'Johlene', or a man singing "It's Raining Men" from The Weather Girls, though that was this particular song's initial motivation.

Did Chad King make a good decision? I guess so. I approve with being gay, I don't approve with limiting a song's popularity through words. Common words like "you" would rapidly dissolve the issue of gender, and make the song available for both heterosexual and homosexual listening parties. Right? Any thoughts are welcome on our facebook page :D

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