5th Ward JP

JP from the 5th Ward with Kirko Bangz on this one: Too Many Bosses

JP from the 5th Ward with Kirko Bangz on this one: Too Many BossesHouston rep JP stepped up and copped a Kirko Bangz collab. I gotta tell you, JP's days of hollerin' "JP from that 5th Ward" are over. I reckon this song will get a lotta attention. Tho Kirko's hook seems a lot like Akon's mellow days (it even slightly remembers us of Akon's hook from "Still Kill"), his intervention is real, and JP's verses go all the way. His word is solid: too many bosses. Where are we left, who gets ruled with so many commanders? Somebody's gotta step up and admit they're simple employees, otherwise it's gonna be a whole lotta curtains dropping on acts all around the country. Salute!

Here's his facebook page -->> https://www.facebook.com/5thwardjp?_rdr
You can see the cover for this new song, the man reclining on his white Porsche. Shit's tight!

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