The birth of the most malicious pitiles demon was in the end of '92 in Ludwigshafen/Germany. The name of this monsterous product is baptized MYSTIC CIRCLE, founded by Graf von Beelzebub and Aaarrrgon. In honour of their gods "Satan" and "Votan" they decided to make antichristian music.

Under this sign they recorded 3 demotapes, which was inspired by old heavy metal stuff and extrem metal music at all.

"Dark Passion"(1993)

was the first one and showed a few songs of blasphemic death metal.

But their style developed into a very unique direction. Lyricwise they never kept to certain topics, the themes got varried from each release. Thats why MYSTIC CIRCLE develope teir standard on each release, never looking back what once was happened. Every MYSTIC CIRCLE song is something special, having its own face and a very special character. You could see it already on demos like:

"Von Kriegern und Helden"(1994) and "Die Goetter der Urvaeter"(1995)

who was pure pagan black metal.

After those tapes MYSTIC CIRCLE signed to Last Episode Productions, a label which was standing 100% behind the band and teir music. On Last Episode they released two EP's.

"Kriegsgoetter-der Weg nach Wallhall"(1996) "Schwarze Magie"(1996)

a splitt EP with the german grinders Blood.

After this they entered the soundbunker studio to record under the regie of Guido Holzmann the first full CD masterpiece called.

"Morgenroete-Der Schrei nach Finsternis"(1997)

which presented MYSTIC CIRCLE on a quite various level. The melodies, lyrics and characters of teir songs from one unity, reaching from vampirism to satanism.

After the release of their cd, the Mystics were on tour with Gorgoroth. There they demonstrated their authenticity and honesty to themselves and to the Black Metal Scene. All the years MYSTIC CIRCLE has consisted of Graf von Beelzebub and Aaarrrgon. The lineup changed several times, but now they were sure to have the right warriors to fight their battle, named Isternos, Ezpharess and Baalsulgorr. In this formation the new masterpiece called:

"Drachenblut"(February 1998)

was recorded within five weeks at the commusication studio (Heavenwood, Theater of Tragedie, Creamtory etc.), directed by Gerhard Magin. The album is about the legend of the nibelungen, which no other metal act did before. The music developed further once more, the whole album is various and it has lot of power, aggression and dark energy. MYSTIC CIRCLE stands for melodic satanic metal with phrases like hymns.

After this they entered the street again and did a european tour with Marduk from sweden. This tour was compered with festivals on which they played with Dark Funeral, Cannibal Corpse and Infernal Majesty. This startet in october 1998.

The next roadtrip startet with a complete chaos tour in February 1999. With Old Mans Child, Sacramentum, Runemagik and germanys Eisregen they conqueret europe again.

Straight after this tour the Mystics went in the studio to record a new masterpiece called:

"Infernal Satanic Verses"(April 1999).

The hellhammer should fall for the last time till the millenium. The cd was recorded by the hand of Gerhard Magin again. In six weeks they produced the most satanic album they ever did. To fullfill the perfection, the voice of Sarah Jezebel Diva was on This cd.

After this Isternos left the band and the MYSTIC CIRCLE played the summer festivals with a new axeman called Xeron. They played with such bands like the Misfits, Motorhead on Festivals like the german Wacken Open Air and the austrian Mind Over Matter Festival.

In October 1999 they started a european headlinertour with Graveworm, Stormlord and the amazing Suidakta. After this tour Aaarrrgon quit the band.

Surely sad but not tired the Mystics went on another european tour in January 2001 with Limbonic Art and Rebelium from Brasil. They had a session drummer from Graveworm which did amazing work on this tour.

Therefore its amazing that they even found enough time to enter again the commusication studio in december 1999 to mixe a cd single which was:

"Kriegsgötter 2"(released in April 2000).

This cd was a gem for all MYSTIC CIRCLE fans and contains songs of Bathory, Acheron and Celtic Frost. Also an old demo song new recorded and a horror-Keyboard song played by the amazing Baalsulgorr.

Sad but true they must go on the road for a whole european tour with a drummcomputer because at this time they had no drummer who took Aaarrrgons replacement. But the tour with Cannibal Corpse was finished succesfully and after it they were glad they made it because on this tour were many countries they never played before.

Alos they finished their contract with Last Episode Records and in May 2000 they get a new deal with Massacre Records from Germany.

In the summer 2000 MYSTIC CIRCLE played about eleven Festivals. With proud they were invitet to a big festival with Iron Maiden in Straßbourg and they played the Wave Gothik Treffen in Leipzig."Dreams come true sometimes". But also they played tiny festivals all over europe.

After this they found a new drummer called Raziel so MYSTIC CIRCLE is a complete Band for nw. Also they have a second drummer called Blizzard because Raziel is very busy with his private life. But anyway, when you see the MYSTICS live it doesnt matter witch one plays because both are amazing drummers.

So they start the songwriting for their most Metal Album they ever did. In November 2000 they entered as ever the commusication studio to record the new masterpiece called:

"The Great Beast"(Nov. 2000)

is a full lenght cd which will be out in april 2001. MYSTIC CIRCLE changed their style more in the metal corner. Like old school make-up,leather,spikes,leatherboots. Their new music style is called Dark-Satanic-Metal and shows the roots of the members who are older and more experienced now. But the songwriting and the voice of Graf von Beelzebub is more powerfull than ever. So don't await to hear poserstuff. Many people will be surprised when they hear the new stuff. On this cd you can hear 9 songs of intensive dark metal.

In march 2001 the Mystics are on the street again for two month with Marduk to present their new stuff to the metal hordes of europe. This tour caontains the No Mercy Festivals.

Their Massacre debut and fourth album "The Great Beast" (2001) took the trio to the next level both musically and personally. Excellent reviews and the entry into the Gothic scene made "The Great Beast" a tremendous success. Logically this album was supported again by massive touring as MYSTIC CIRCLE played the 2001 No Mercy Festival tour and the Marduk European tour. End of 2001 the band played another headlining Euro-tour to complete live activities for this album. Unfortunatelly the line-up was not that steady as keaboarder Baalsulgorr left the band after those tours and also drummer Abyss deserted to join Destruction. The endless drummer problem could finally be solved with 22-year old Necrodemon, who had his premiere at the 2002 summer festivals. Following the festivals the trio entered the Commusication studio in Frankenthal, Germany to record the new album with producer Gerhard Magin. "DAMIEN" comes as a surprise with a real heavier, faster and more brutal direction than on the keyboard-oriented "The Great Beast" and shows MYSTIC CIRCLE technically and musically more perfect than ever. The routine, earned on numerous live shows can be heard well and the trio shows their skills impressingly. Merciless smashers like "God is dead - Satan arise" or the destructive opener "666 (mark of the devil" show the trio on highest international level combined with a strong and pounding production. In November MYSTIC CIRCLE will join DEICIDE on their European tour and another headlining tour is already booked for early 2003.


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